Mechanical & Engineering Plastics:
- UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight) polyethylene
- Nylon
- Acetal
- Teflon (PTFE)
- Ertalyte (PET-P)
- Composites
- Micarta
- Dura-Scuff
- HDPE (High Density Polyethlene)

Display & Architectural Products:
- Acrylic
- Polycarbonate
- Twinwall Polycarbonate
- Vivak

Additional Products:
- Colored Acrylic
- Cutting Boards
- Playground Materials
- Sintra
- Medical Barrier Plastics
- Covid-19 Guards
- Sneeze Guards
- Covid-19 Protective Barriers
Our experienced and knowledge staff of sales associates are happy to answer any questions about specific requirements or availability. Please call (503) 232-5056 or e-mail our team for further information.